I was born in Ankara on January 25, 1976. I completed primary, secondary and high school education at Private Arı High School. I graduated from  Metu  Psychology department. I studied in the field of Development-Social Psychology master program at Ufuk University. I studied Clinical Psychology  master program at İstanbul Kent University.  I live in Ankara. I have 2 children. I am a Psychologist / Psychotherapist at Ankara İzana Therapy.  I have my expertise on family theraphy , developmental  and social psychology to improve the mental health and welness of individuals at any age. As a  licensed psychologist I uniquely combined the expertise of developmental and social psychology, marriage counseling, family theraphy  and couple therapy.  I intend to help individuals and couples to identify and make the changes in their personal and professional lives that enable them to enhance their life satisfaction and well-being. Offering a highly personalized approach, ı have  a goal oriented and solution focused professional . I work with individuals and couples in a collaborative manner to identify goals, build on strengths, and develop insight and skills in order to achieve results. This include promoting healthy relationships, building self-esteem, improving mood, and changing unhelpful or problematic behaviors. My  style is intereactive and collaborative. Clients feel supported as they work with them  to increase productive communication and emotional connection.


I especially interested in the role of preventive services in the mental health. According to this , I also teach at workshops, make tv programs,  work in research center in order to improve the well being of individuals. I am  a member of a prominent psychology societies in my country. I am also  a founder of child rights society who works  for the psychological well being of children. I am a commissioner of a non-govermental organization who supports mothers’ and women rights.


I took place at  Hasan Kalyoncu University Gazikent Continuous Education Center and Ankara THK University YAGEM “Family Counseling Certificate Program” tutorial. I took part in the Ankara Development Agency as an instructor in EU projects, and I had the opportunity to work with children and their families from different regions of Turkey. I  also work with expads, multicultural marriages.  I gave many seminars about family and child psychology in the educational institutions where I consulted. In addition, I make consultancy in the joint project of TÜBİTAK – Atılım University. There are regular writings of me in various magazines. I continue to share information on psychology as a guest in radio and TV programs. Lastly, I made a TV program named “psikovizyon”  in the field of psychology. By translating from foreign sources (English), I will provide resources to apply therapy and education in Turkey. I am a member of the Advisory Board of the Maternity Assembly. I am a member of Turkish Psychologists Association.Lastly, I worked on the commission on child abuse in the global strategic research associations.   I After years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and administration both in hospital and education institutions, now I aim to make my experiences useful in the cultural field in more global projects on women’s and children’s rights.


As a psychologist, I am dedicated to providing compassionate counseling and therapy services tailored to the unique needs of my clients, fostering their mental and emotional well-being through evidence-based interventions and personalized treatment plans.


Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, [istanbl Kent University Name], [İstanbul, TURKEY], [2009]


Relevant coursework: Depression Treatment, Couples Therapy, Psychotherapy Approaches

My coaching specializations:

My Therapy Approaches: These are my a few examples of ndividual therapy specializations, and I often integrate multiple approaches based on the needs and preferences of my clients.

Certificated Programmes /Congress:
 "Aile Danışmanlığı Eğitimi" (450 saat) 
 Prof. Dr. Doğan Şahin “Dinamik Psikoterapi Eğitimi”
 Prof. Dr. Doğan Şahin “Nevrotiklerde Dinamik Psikoterapi Eğitimi”
 BDT Derneği Prof.Dr. Hakan Türkçapar "Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi Eğitimi"
 Prof.Dr.Gerald R.Weeks “Evlilik ve Cinsel Terapi Entegrasyonu”
 Prof.Dr. Neşe Kocabaşoğlu, Prof.Dr. Ömer Üre ve Prof.Dr. Orhan Derman  ” Evlilerin Dünyası
ve Evlilik Süreçlerinde Profesyonel Danışmanlık”
 Cinsel Sağlık Enstitüsü Derneği  ” Evlilik ve Çift Terapisi "
 Cinsel Sağlık Enstitüsü Derneği ” Holistik Cinsel Terapi ”,
 Teröpatik Kartlar Eğitimi
 Prof. Dr. Cebrail Kısa "Erken Boşalma Terapisi" eğitimi ve süpervizyonu
 Prof.Dr. Cebrail Kısa "Vajinismus Terapisi" eğitimi ve süpervizyonu
 Prof. Dr. Cebrail Kısa "Cinsel Terapi " süpervizyonu
 Prof.Dr. Vamık Volkan “Psikanalitik Psikoterapi”
 Turk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Derneği Dr. Nevin Dölek ” Kısa Süreli Çözüm Odaklı
Danışmanlık Yaklaşımı”
 Psikiyatri Psikoloji ve Aile Terapisi Derneği’ “Oyun Terapisi Eğitimi”
 Türk Psikologlar Derneği "Wechsler Çocuklar İçin Zeka Ölçeğinin (WISC-R) Tanıtımı,
Uygulanması ve Yorumlanması Eğitimi "
 TSE’ ” Kalite Yönetimi, İSO : 9001 ”
VI. Ulusal Aile ve Evlilik Terapileri Kongresi bünyesinde katıldığı Workshoplar:
 Fatma Torun Reid/ Çiftler Terapisinde Klinik Uygulama Workshop

 Kurt Hahlweg / Prevention of Couple Distress Workshop
 Hürol Fışıloğlu / Aile-Evlilik Terapisinde Kullandığım Metaforlar Workshop
 Maurizio Andolfi / Couple Theraphy in an Intergenerational Approach Workshop